Here at carrot stick ART I understand the power of clear and concise communication through the visual. In a world full of images and videos we have become increasingly reliant on graphics to communicate our message to others. Thinking visually can come naturally to some yet be a completely foreign language to others.

I am an example of someone who is primarily a visual thinker and after graduating Goldsmiths, University of London in 2017 I wanted to use my visual mind and talents to help others express themselves visually. So, I set up carrot stick ART.

Over the years of making art and graphics, I have become familiar with a wide range of software, such as Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and Premier Pro. I see myself as a visual translator. You deliver me a text and I translate it into an appropriate visual message; be that in the form of a poster, flyer or animated video.